Chaletmomma turns 1!

I can’t believe Chaletmomma is a year old! I’ve had so much fun this past year!

In the fall of 2016 I started with an idea - I love: to chat; my home; design and styling. I knew I wanted to share my voice hahaha! I quickly had Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and IG set up, had purchased my domain and was set up as a LLC. I had a business model. I know bloggers who unfortunately didn’t own their name across all social media platforms - I was thrilled when it all fell into place.

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The next step was my logo - I drew it and designed it the old fashioned way with pen and paper. Everyone in my personal life knows I often added a little drawing of the chalet on communications and above our address. Not only did I know how I wanted my logo to look but, in my minds eye I had the website layout as well. I had done my research.


To design the website and bring my vision to life I was blessed to find Kelly Christine and her firm Kiki&Co. I can’t recommend Kelly enough!

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You will recognize this painting from the image carousel on the top of my homepage. It was painted by a successful Water-colorist Nat Lewis a neighbor and friend of a previous owner. We are so lucky to have it on our wall. Not many people are fortunate enough to live in a chalet!

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Still one of my all time favorite images of the Chalet Livingroom from 2017 and one of the first I shared on both IG and here on the website last year.

Favorite: preferred before all others of the same kind.

I thought about the pieces I wrote over the last year and what my favorites might be - I adore them all, but there are some that stand out - lets revisit a few. click the title under each image for the linked post.

I could go on and on highlighting posts. I love sharing our visits to Museums. The Met Cloisters: Friday Fun! Metropolitan Museum of Art: Metropolitan Museum of Art Part 1 and Part 2. As well as the recent visit to Shelburne Museum: A Little Trip Part 1 and Part 2. A sweet friend told me she could hear me speaking when she reads Chaletmomma and truly there is no more endearing compliment I could ever hear!

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Thank you to all my dear friends and loved ones. Thank you to my fellow bloggers and design friends for allowing me to list their sites in my sidebar. Thank you to my advertisers!

Thank you ALL for being a part of the Chaletmomma Family!

Til next time!


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friendly support

as you know there are many different types of designs for websites and blogs but, my concept for chaletmomma never waivered - what you see here is the fruition of that dream. one detail that was super important to me was sharing a list of people / sites i admire and support.

i believe in working to lift others up - and knowing what a vast place the interweb is - when i find talent or anything else for that matter  that i'm excited about - i am compelled to share it.

i do list over-sharer as a personality characteristic on my about page HA!

so here are a few questions for you dear friend.

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  • have you ever clicked the friends listed at right and popped over to their websites?

i've listed them again here with links to their sites. easy peasy! all have varied design styles and some are not actually designers but, their voices resonate with me and i believe they will with you.








  • have you clicked on the links under the logos of companies that support chaletmomma?




these companies are very significant to me - seven out of nine are run by friends.



i have additional internet friends that pop up in my inbox - sometimes daily sometimes less so... or some i visit because they don't having mailing lists -  i wanted to add them (because as an over-sharer how can i not???)

friend: a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection

on top of this are my IG buds... a bunch of compadres that write amazing blogs! 

i hope you found a few new friends here today.

please reach out in the comments below or email me directly to share some of your friends!

i will happily share!!!

please follow along....PNG

til next time.

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