We’re blessed to have family join us here at the Chalet Christmas Eve.

We chatted, drank, ate, played the trivia game After Dinner Winner, watched three movies A Christmas Carol, White Christmas and It’s a Wonderful Life, wore the paper crowns from our Christmas Crackers and laughed!

On Christmas Day after presents and a breakfast of homemade Christmas bread my sister bakes every year, we went to Mass and then traveled to my Mother In Laws for a delightful day filled with catch up conversations, her delicious Lasagna and more laughter in her beautifully decorated home.

If you’re lucky you’re on a bit of a break this week too. But, we’re not sitting around the Chalet - unless someone is coming over! The time off is never long enough to squeeze in all the adventures - can we catch that movie… meet for lunch… drive to Tewkesbury… is there snow to head to Blue Mountain?

We are intentional in making the most of our time because she’s a fickle friend and we need to go do the things and raise that glass!

Til next time be well friends and I’m wishing you Joy and Love!

Have a terrific New Years! xo