A very Happy and Merry my friends. Today I’m sharing this years Christmas Decor!

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I added pops of pink around the Chalet - I’ve decided everything is better with pink.


This year I received so much help from my husband and son trimming our tree. In years past Liam was too young (and I was too nervous about anything getting broken) to let him fully participate. As many of you know from following me on Instagram and Facebook we have a 6ft Decorator tree and we place (cram) four Rubbermaid bins of decor onto it! So many memories - there are ornaments on the tree I’ve enjoyed my entire life. The Shiny Briteswere my parents, The Angel was at the top of our tree every year while I was growing up. My mom fostered an appreciation for Christmas ornaments in me - whenever we traveled if I found an ornament - mom would buy it for me. I enjoy pointing those out to Liam and share where and when I got them and he always wants to know how old I was.

I’m really pleased with the holiday moments around the Chalet.

A peek into the Diningroom.jpg
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I love to sit here on the porch admiring the tree and listening to the Nutcracker.

  1. So do you decorate the same every year?

  2. Do you add new touches?

  3. Or completely change it up?

Please tell us below in the Comments section!

Til next time Cheers friends!

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