Chaletmomma Turns 3!

Hello and a Very Happy Wednesday Friends!


I’m thrilled to share that Sunday marked 3 years here at the Chaletmomma site and 4 years since the creation of my LLC and full-on entry into the world of design.

This past year started last October with a wonderful meet up into NYC for brunch and a visit to the Met with Christina Marks, Laura Domanski and Jessica Rhodes.

I was gearing up for more design clients but, Covid got in the way - I was able to help a dear friend in her gorgeous home painting and styling her built-ins and another dear friend with a refresh of her Livingroom and Diningroom. I was also so happy to lend my thoughts to friends on-line with their design queries.

I was fortunate to collaborate with incredible companies: Great Big Canvas on new artwork for the Livingroom and my sons room! With Mapiful on my zodiac print and beyond excited about my opportunity to work with Downlite Bedding.

A did a few things around the Chalet. I recovered a footstool and an old chair - incorporated a blow-mold table on the porch - sewed pillow covers - added a new shower curtain and towels - finished the Kitchen redo - replaced our mantel lamp with a vintage turquoise horse - switched up elements in our Diningroom including a new wicker light and reworked the Livingroom gallery corner.

I’ve been was incredibly inspired by brilliant design and new books this year.

I truly love this blog and I am thankful for the opporunity to share so much - my life, observations, colorstories and for the wonderful creatives I’ve had the pleasure to interview this past year. Click Interview under Categories to read.

Speaking of my sidebar - I’ve updated Brands We Love, Blogs We Love and added new sections Podcasts We Love and Floral Tips. As always I hope you will check out my Reads section. I am always reading a hard cover book and listening to a title through Hoopla simultaneously. Please check out the link to my article GET YOUR READ ON! to see a list of favorites.

I had great opportunities to collaborate with amazing brands this year: Great Big Canvas, Mapiful and Downlite Bedding and I thank them all so much!

As I sit here typing - listening to my son on his google classroom meet we know life is still different but, I will celebrate the opportunity to speak with all of you, work with clients and to continued to be inspired by -

Life and Design!

Thank you for being here! Thank you to my brand partners, friends and my family!


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